Monday, March 28, 2011

Website or Web Presence? That is the question.

The main focus of Google is to present the most relevant website/information to the person doing the search in a fraction of a second.  So how does Google find the most relevant websites?  They have an algorithm that calculates it.  They try to search and index every single website and page out there on the internet.  The key is to make Google keep coming back to your site.  How do you do it?  By, knowing what Google considers is important and relevant with a  website. 

It used to be a website with good title tags and meta tags would do it, but not anymore.  They look at 6 different areas to come up with their relevance. 

1.       The Site should be optimized.
2.       The Site should have relevant content about the subject being searched.
3.       The Site should have quality and relevant inbound links.
4.       The Site/Business should have a Google Place Page associated with it.
5.       The Site should have a video on it.
6.       The Site should have a blog associated with it.

Why optimization?  That is how your site is found.  But, be careful (Remember JC Penney).  Why relevant content?  It gives the reader the information they are looking for.  You want to educate they people who are reading your site.  Why quality inbound links?  It adds trust to your site in the eyes of Google.  You are linked to directories they already trust.  Why a Place Page?  This Fall, Google said it is important, so enough said.  Why Video?  Google owns  The largest video site on the web.  Why a blog?  Here is what Google Analytics is saying about a blog.  “Successful blog posts pull in tons of traffic from search engines, and other blogs/websites.  They can also provide huge spikes in traffic when they “go viral”, which occurs when many people quickly spread a link to an Internet destination through social networks like Youtube, Twitter and Facebook.”  Click here to read the entire article.

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